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To Build your own Soul Road Map

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Article #17 – Resources 3 – Time

We have been receiving feedback from people (thank you for communicating) about the time required to build your own Soul Roadmap.  We recognize and understand the challenge of finding enough time.  There is a reason we publish our content patiently.  The idea is to establish a cadence for the development of your soul.  From our own experience, we anticipate this cadence will translate into how all of life is lived for you as well.

One of the benefits of creating a Soul Roadmap is you actually get more of the resource of time within the same number of hours. By adopting a cadence – a rhythm to life emanating from your soul you are making a strong statement of how to live life.  Does it seem like this current culture operates at a breakneck pace?  While we certainly live here and are influenced by the whirlwind of the pace of our culture, we can choose to live at our own, perhaps healthier cadence.

I wrote this article while riding on light rail to a business breakfast meeting across town.  I gazed out the window at the traffic jam.  I could have traveled by car. Instead, I chose to multitask while riding a public train, writing at a relaxed pace.  In my town of Denver, I can buy a day pass for 3 dollars, travel faster, do more, while reducing my carbon footprint, and save time and money.  It is actually a spiritual accelerator for me.  I chose the relaxation in opposition to the hustle and bustle of fighting traffic.  I arrived at my breakfast meeting energized instead of worn out.  It feels like I gained time rather than spent it because of an intentional choice I made.

(photo courtesy of

Investing in the resource of time to develop your Soul Roadmap can also actually pay you back with more time.  The investment yields efficiency and productivity, all the while allowing life to be lived well and uprightly.

This principle of investment applies to all three elements of this rest area of resources.  Time investment brings more time, talent sharpened brings even more capabilities, treasure investments yields more capital to be smartly deployed.  Working together these elements weave a strong chord of increasing strength – an encouraging healthy strength altogether different than the harried hurried pace offered by our current culture.

Building your Soul Roadmap in the area of resources allows each of us to be in this world but not of this world.  We can design our world to operate decidedly differently…a much better difference.

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