Article # 24 Reflection
These last few articles addressed the possibility of a church building being a community facility for connecting all kinds of people. Is there one of these in your town where you live? We went further into understanding who you really are at the core and then working outward to become what God had in mind when he created you. We introduced the idea of heaven being familiar as if we had been there before. We also learned about the glass houses of work and then crucified debt by finding an even greater more powerful resource.
As we invest time building your Soul Roadmap we want you to continue to remember that ultimately, you are going to be driving upon it, forging ahead. This process of soul work should have an effect on how your life is being lived out. As we continue to go deeper into this idea of soul development one of the evident realities can be significant changes in how you respond and relate to the world around you. We continue to develop the idea that Heaven is closer than we think, and everyone can experience it repeatedly. As those bubbles of heaven, circumstances where heaven draws nigh bringing with them life changing events, become more frequent, two things occur. One, you become more open as a person and more comfortable in your own skin. Two, you develop the capacity to travel deeper within yourself. Your life becomes more like an exploration. It is as if you have buried treasure hidden inside simply waiting to be discovered and then deployed.
So, going forward this content will intentionally go deeper and become more of an exploration of you when you begin to look into a mirror and see a different person…the person God saw when He created you. You become an active participant in His creation. Driving upon your Soul Roadmap becomes not just an oval track where all you do is turn left but rather like driving on a winding country road depicted on our landing page of this site. And we continue to give you more lessons on how to navigate the new you.
To prepare you for what is next invest some time to view Brene Brown’s TED talk on vulnerability from December 23, 2010. It will also be helpful for you to get the book Daring Greatly. Both of these will help with the exploration of the deeper parts of you.
Remember we publish this content to help you marinate on the new ideas presented and to do some separate work between articles. Enjoy the transformation.