The film nearby A Death Worth Living For was produced by the Windrider Institute in 2023. This film about our life story is in two forms. There is a short trailer less that 3 minutes and the entire documentary roughly 24 minutes. Elaine and I will be part of the film festival circuit in 2024 as part of telling our life story. We also will be part of a presenting, speaking, teaching, organization bringing our life story to the general public.
Windrider reviews dozens of stories each year choosing to produce only 2 or 3. This film will be part of the Windrider film library (they have been doing this kind of work for over 20 years.) It will also be available on the Windrider network and subscribers to their distribution channel beginning in 2024.
We are honored to be part of the Windrider organization and look forward to furthering their mission of engaging audiences with content which fosters conversations. They are the perfect champion for us to get serious about telling our story. Our story is a God story, a family story, and a love story. It is also a Heaven story with a new and needed theme for the current culture of today. We are excited to present it to you here.
There is also a full length, 2 hours and 10-minute, feature film under development. A screen play is written a director attached we are reviewing cast to begin filming the first two scenes of the film. Our conversations with studios have all included Elaine and me being producers and part of the promotional team for the film currently titled Life After Heaven. The film is based upon the true story of our lives as we try to live in the here and now after my near-death experiences taking me to the hereafter. It takes audiences through the rollercoaster of our lives. Viewers ride along with us as they experience “bubbles” of the Kingdom of Heaven leaving them with an invitation to more. There is no sequel planned, the next experience of Heaven is their own. They are the sequel. The heroes journey lands squarely in the audience laps as the credits roll.
We will add material here as progress is made on this aspect of our getting serious about telling our story. Stay tuned.